No I’m Fine


No, I’m Fine is a series of four zines, exploring emotions experienced throughout college. Each book focuses on a single emotional state: anxiety, excitement, loneliness, and gratitude. Each emotion is personified into physical creatures that the main character interacts with. The cloud logo ties the zines together, referencing the storm of emotions we feel. The cloud is raining, while retaining a smile, exemplifying the way we mask our emotions despite the storm we may be experiencing inside. No I’m Fine asks: if your emotions lived outside the body, how would you interact with said emotions? How could this new perspective allow you to better understand one’s relationship with emotions?

The Project

No, I’m Fine was created for my Senior Thesis project in my final year of college. No, I’m Fine was used as both a coping method for my own emotional struggles throughout the four years of college, and to relate to my peers, who have had similar experiences. The project’s title comes from the idea that when we are asked, “are you sad, anxious, lonely, excited, etc.?”, the common response is, “No, I’m fine.” In reality, you’re anything but fine. This project brings the positive and negative interactions between one’s self and one’s emotions to life. No, I’m Fine reminds us that it’s okay to not be fine.


Additional spreads (above).

No I’m Fine displayed at Senior Thesis show.


Little Star Pizza


Passion Projects